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Rocky Mountain Timber Products Inc. (RMTP), brings 28 years of experience in all aspects of the forest industry to produce the highest quality products found anywhere.

We carefully harvest spruce, white fir, ponderosa pine and aspen to craft our wide variety of products. Our team is trained in the best management practices and supports sustainable forest management techniques. Our loggers are certified through the Sustainable Forestry Education Program.

Our work begins with projects designed to restore native forests and reduce the risks of wildfire. The products we make available are the end-result of an unbroken chain from the woods to you. We emphasize no waste in our harvesting and manufacturing process.

Trees are harvested and brought to the mill: Rocky Mountain Timber Products, Del Norte, Colorado Manufacturing Wood Products for Your Home: Rocky Mountain Timber Products, Del Norte, Colorado House logs and lumber: Rocky Mountain Timber Products, Del Norte, Colorado
  From the woods to your home